
Hau Giang Maritime Service Limited Liability Company

Formerly COMPANY LIMITED MARINE SERVICES COMPANY Hau Giang under MARINE SERVICES LIMITED Date 29/05/2010 Hau Giang, COMPANY LIMITED MARINE SERVICES Hau Giang was officially registered business under registration certificate No. 0500574676 by the Department of business and investment plans of Hanoi city.

The company has won the tender for construction of projects such as Son La hydropower plant, hydropower plant Nam Khanh, Nam Mu Hydropower plant, a cement plant in Ha Long, Nam Ngan hydroelectric plant, plant Hua Na Hydropower ...

Currently, the company is the construction of key projects such as Lai Chau Hydropower Project, Son La hydropower project, Public Works Vung Ang 1 thermal power, thermal power project in Long Phu 1, Ho Chi Minh Highway Project improve channels through Lach Giang - Ninh River facility - formerly South Dinhtien mechanical limited liability company and repair company Song Da 9 of Song Da 9 - Song Da Group.

On 29/05/2010, JSC Construction and Investment Song Da 9 were officially registered business under registration certificate number 0500574676 kinhdoanh by Department of Planning and Investment of Hanoi city. The company has won the tender for construction of projects such as Son La hydropower plant, hydropower plant Nam Khanh, Nam Mu Hydropower plant, a cement plant in Ha Long, Nam Ngan hydroelectric plant, plant Hua Na Hydropower .... and many other civil works.

Currently, the company is the construction of key projects such as Lai Chau Hydropower Project, Son La hydropower project, Public Works Vung Ang 1 thermal power, thermal power project in Long Phu 1, Ho Chi Minh Highway Project improve channels through Lach Giang - Ninh River facility - Nam Dinh

Song Hau Industrial Zone - Dong Phu Commune - Chau Thanh District - Hau Giang
Phone: 0711.3949080 Fax: 0711.3949097
Tax code: 6300037629